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Capillary viscometry 毛细管粘度计

Capillary viscometry is the most accurate method for the determination of the viscosity of liquids with a Newtonian flowing behaviour. The measurement as such consists in a time measurement. The time measured is that which a specific quantity of liquid requires to pass through a capillary having a defined width and length. Conventionally, this process is watched with the human eye, and the flow time is measured manually using a stop watch.

In the case of the UVS MD Viscosity Measuring Device, the liquid meniscus is captured on the measurement planes, either in an optoelectronic manner by means of light barriers, or else on a thermo-resistant basis by thermistors.



UVS MD自动粘度测量装置是用光电方式或者基于热敏电阻的热抗性来测量液体凹面